Thursday, March 31, 2005

2004: Life's Crossroads-A Journey Begins

The year 2004 was one of major life change. I sold my house, nearly all my worldly possessions, (not quite all mind you) and headed out to do some traveling, and relocate to Jacksonville, Florida, the city of my birth. You know can never go home. I had heard that many times. Did I pay attention. Like most caveats, one often has to find out for themselves, sometimes at whatever the cost. Nevertheless, life is an adventure....... to be seized at the beginning of each day, and hung onto for the ride. That was the premise of the change for me in 2004. Twenty seven years in Washington State had reached a turning point.

I set out from Southwest Washington in mid-May, with no other plan than not to hurry. I wanted to poke along, see things I had never seen, visit places I had never been, see friends and family along the way, and make some new friends too. I told my siblings in Florida not to expect me for at least 30 days. It was 36. In a straight line, it is about 3100 miles from Centralia Washington to Jacksonville, Florida. My odometer showed 7000 more miles when I got to Jax.

I wanted to stay near the coast, or as close to bodies of water as I could along the way. I love the coast and waterways. Any waterways; oceans, rivers, lakes, creeks, canals; anything I can mosey along and soak up life. It took me 10 days just to go from SW Washington to Southern California, just as an example. There were many little nooks and crannies that needed exploring along the way.

With camera in hand, I explored the redwoods, Monterey Bay Aquarium, Hearst Castle, Las Vegas, Sedona, The Grand Canyon, Mesa Verde National Park, and Taos New Mexico just to mention a few. I also visited many pieces of smalltown America like Chloride Arizona. Chloride is a an old mining town north of Kingman, 4 miles off the main highway, in a box canyon, with murals painted on some of the rocks in the upper canyon by a local artist. A silent signal seemed to sound about 5pm. Many of the residents of the tiny historical town migrated to one of the two local restaurants. It was time for the evening meal. I went right in like I belonged. They made me feel that way. It was a great way to wind down the day.

After 36 days of moseying and meandering, I was getting just a tad bit weary, and felt the need to get along to Jax. My siblings were looking forward to me arriving, so I mashed the pedal a little harder and ended this leg of the journey. Turned out later, it was only one leg of what would turn out to be a greater journey.

By the spring of 2005, I decided I would travel again. Since there were many places in Florida I had not visited or seen, even though I grew up here, I would set out to travel the entire coastline of Florida, beginning at the northeast corner. It is of course with a lot of mixed emotions, but with an expectant sense of adventure.

Come May 1, the journey continues. Enjoy the journey with me through my Travel blog.